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Life must be bigger and nobler

Photo: The Myanmar Times

In India, spiritual seekers often visit Himalayas for a break from worldly distractions. As you reach higher and higher on the mountains, ever distancing yourselves from whirlwinds of mundane life, immersing more and more in the thickness and vastness of the nature, focus and introspect brings clarity. 

Now, exactly what clarity we are talking about?

It is discovering your / mine / our distinctive individual existence within the vast multitudes and pluralities of nature. It is seeing your “pure” self without the tone of tinge of the daily drama of the worldly affairs. And finally it is about seeking to engage the life with fullness of our own finite potential to invigorate the already infinitely magnificent nature.

A distressed deprived life is one without a purpose. Aren’t high Himalayas offering a relief? 

Most of us are living a so typical life, full of dullness of routine affairs, constant puzzling up intricacies to mere survival. When some of us look back to these, life itself becomes a great question!
A better thinking mind must contemplate the worth of a typical life. 

If you are already contemplating, it is time to have a break. Go for high Himalayas or similar places for a quiet retreat. Far from metro crowd, focus on evaluating yourself and find a purpose. You must convince yourself that the purpose of yours is a noble one.

A noble purpose of course a purpose that is bigger in scope than your own life. Once you find that, it brings you out of typical life maelstrom. It will induce positivity and harmony.  Cherish it. Make sure, all the part of your existence is harmoniously geared towards that purpose. 

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