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What is Vedic Dharma

Images: Zee News

Dharma is a Sanskrit word which comes from the root “Dhr”, means; to hold, to support, to sustain. From this root, it could be elaborated the meaning of Dharma as; which sustain the integrity of Men (Human being), integrity of the Family, the Society, the State, the World and the Universe!

“Vedic Dharma” is essentially the practice of Dharma according to Vedas and inspired by Vedas.

How Dharma is related to Vedas?

There is a word in Rigveda called “Rtam” which has wide range of meanings, such as; "law", "commandment", "order", "sacrifice", "truth", “regularity” etc. With numerous mentions, Rigveda considers the Ṛta to the foremost quality which this universe "follows". The word Ṛta is a direct derivative of well-known root "Ṛ-" meaning "dynamic", "moving". ( "Ṛ gatu/motion")

Especially the word “truth” has a direct correlation with the “Rtam”. Let’s look at the mantra;

Om Ritam cha Satyam cha, Abhidaat Tapaso Dhyaajaajaayat,
Tato Raatrya Jaayat, Tatah Samudro Arnavah
The Universal Order (Rtam) and the Truth (Satyam) are born out of blazing Abhidhaat (Tapas; Rigorous Ascetical Enquiry). Then the night (Raatrya) was born and the ocean (Samudro) was born.

Vedas are texts, which are not deliberately written by someone, sometime. Its contents are realized and embodied by many Rishis through a long span of time, which were collected and compiled much later. Through this aspect, the dynamism, the insight, the physical spiritual guiding principles which are the fulcrum of functioning of this Cosmos are realized and understood through Rigorous Ascetical Enquiry by the Rishis.
This realization and understanding are conceived as Rta.

Rta is all pervading guiding principal of this Universe is perceived very close to Absolute Truth; the Isshwar (God). Human are expected to abide by the rule of Rta, make their life, conduct, behavior, attitude, vision harmonious with Rta. Let’s look at this mantra;

Rtasya pathi veda apayi sriye manamsi devanso akran,
Dadhano nama maho vacovhirvapurdrsaye venyo vyavah.  (Rigveda 6/44/8)  
On the path of truth and eternal law, the man of knowledge and wisdom is protected, and the noble and the wise control and transform their minds for the beauty and grace of manners and culture. May the great one, kind and loving, bearing the holy name, reveal his divine presence in response to our prayers and protect us through the paths of life. (Translation; Tulsiram Sharma)

So it can be said, Rta is, what is Universal law and eternal principal.  It’s beyond Human Control. And here comes Dharma, which is Rta applied in Human Affairs to make the duty of harmonizing with Universal Order possible for humans. 

In this sense, Dharma becomes an aspect of Rta. To understand Dharma, we must understand Rta, which is a philosophical basis of Dharma within Vedas.

How Vedic Dharma is performed?

At first, we have seen the scope of Dharma to support or sustain integrity of human primarily because it is actually the Rta applied in Human affairs. To that goal, Dharma must be practiced in 3 principal ways;
1.     The Worship: Dharma seeks to make Man an instrument of sustainer of the Society, State and ultimately the Mankind. To become so, Human has to practice Dharma to worship Rta.  
2.     Personal Piety: The great sage Manu mentioned 10 virtues to practice and perform consciously and individually.
3.     Dharma Samskara: The 16 Samskaras and 5 great Yajnas. 

A little elaboration follows:

The Worship:

Ascertaining righteous duty and a steely determination towards the conduct is the Worshipping of Dharma. 

Human live in a society with bunch of other humans. Different individuals have different traits, behavior and ambitions, which are bound to overlap. This overlapping may cause conflict of interest, conflict of ambition or even conflict of egos. That’s the nature of human groups. Sometimes this clash of interest becomes so obvious, so tenacious, that could develop into a broader conflict which could inflict severe damage on social fabric and human inter relationships. This outcome is undesirable for any human groups, any society, and any state anytime.

But Human instinct is not easily changeable because it is an outcome of development happened upon very long time of evolutionary experiences. What we human can do is constantly and consciously try to minimize those propensities that may lead to conflict within inter human relationships or even within inter species relationship. Because what separates a human from other sentient being is the sentiment and ability to manage those sentiments through the use of “Viveka”;  an intuitive and intellectual faculty which helps us to discriminate between truth and falsehood, real and illusory, nobleness and bigotry, right and wrong, justice and injustice etc. This ability made human far superior from the other species, made humankind incredibly powerful in real terms and in turn also brought us tremendous responsibility to act and behave carefully; to ourselves and to others. 

We need understanding and adhering to “Nyaya”; Righteousness as a basis of our conduct to minimize our negative traits, such as greed, unethical ambitions, hatred, envy, jealousy, malevolence to develop a flowering relationship towards each other for a functioning family, better society, healthy state and a prosperous mankind.  Viveka, is the basis of Nyaya.  So it’s important to have a rigorous process to to apply Viveka.
The great sage Manu, in his Manava Dharma Shastra  (Shastra means; manual of specialization in certain field) “Manusmriti” stated a just “Process of Enquiry” to ascertain righteous actions by applying Viveka in any context.

Veda Smriti Sadacara swashya cha Priyamatmanah,
Etachaturvidham prahu sakshaddharmashya lakshanam.  (Manusmriti 2/12)
 Veda, Smriti, Sadacara (path followed by illustrated and noble individuals) and practice guided by Shastras are the four primary basis of Dharma.

  •  There is a hierarchy of this basis though in Vedic Dharma. Being Vedic, the first step is the conformity towards Veda. Any decision/ action must not contradict Veda. 
  • Then comes the Smriti; the Shastras and Shiddhantas handed down by Rishis. Even the Shastras must be conforming to Vedas. For any contradiction with Vedas must be pointed out, neutralized and junked.
  • Then comes Sadacara; following the footsteps of those individuals whose life and work were exemplified towards establishment and sustainment of Vedic Dharma.
  • Then come our own conviction through our reasoning of conduct guided by Shastras.
This is the process of ascertaining Dharma (the righteous action) in any possible context. This is the duty to every Vedic Dharmic to understand this process to ascertain righteous duty to uphold and sustain the society, state and Mankind.  

Personal Piety:

To make oneself a perfect instrument to follow the path of Worship that will be a must ascertaining and upholding Dharma, Sage Manu prescribed 10 virtues to be practiced and perform consciously and individually. Those 10 virtues are:
  1. Patience (dhriti) – Staying secure in your own inner peace.
  2. Forgiveness (kshama) – Letting go of things that don’t necessarily serve you.
  3. Piety or self-control (dama) – Knowing that the best things come to those that wait.
  4.  Honesty (asteya) – This is really more about non-stealing; don’t take that which does not belong to you.
  5. Sanctity (shauch) – Cleanliness in mind, body, and soul.
  6. Control of senses (indraiya-nigrah) – Meditation and life force control.
  7. Reason (dhi) – Guiding your life with calm reason leads to great success.
  8. Knowledge or learning (vidya) – Gaining skills that significantly add to your ability to offer value is a huge step towards well-rounded success.
  9. Truthfulness (satya) – Realizing that truthfulness brings about the highest outcome for you and others.
  10. Absence of anger (krodha) – Anger poisons our ability to lead our lives in a positive and powerful way.

Dharma Samskara (Vedic Rites of passage):

Dharma Samskaras are rituals (Rites of passage) that should be practiced with reasoning and keeping eye to broader context of the society, state and mankind. Rituals are performed for three purposes:

1.     One’s own spiritual attainment which gives immense happiness,
2.     To perform social conduct for its growth and stability, and
3.     To conform to one’s own Dharmic injunction and identity.

Vedic Dharma has primarily 2 types of rituals to be performed by every Vedic. One is Panca Mahayajna (5 great rituals) that have to be performed every day.

Yajna, a Sanskrit word means “Sacrifice”. A performance of Yajna means achieving/doing something righteous through personal sacrifice. The Panca (five) Mahayajna that are prescribed in Vedic Dharma are following:

Brahma Yajna: Sacrifice to Brahman; the Ishwar; the Ultimate Reality. This is to be performed through the self-study of Vedas and relevant Shastras.

Pitr Yajna:  Sacrifice to parents or parent like persons, to bring comfort and happiness to them. 

Deva Yajna: The Fire sacrifice; The Agnihotra, to the God; Ishwar; Brahman.

Manushya Yajna: Sacrifice to fellow humans; to support them, cooperate them and help them in distress.

Bhuta Yajna: Bhuta means Nature. It’s a sacrifice to Nature and sentient beings other than human, to serve the Mother Nature, which is the physical realm of “Rta” and to which we are a part, take our sustenance. 

And there are 16 rituals to be performed as Rites of Passage once in a certain stages of life. This is called Shodasa Samskar, 16 Rites of passages. They are:

  1. Garbhadana Samskara
  2. Pumsavana Samskara
  3. Simantonoyana Samskara
  4. Jatakarma Samskara
  5. Namakarana Samskara
  6. Nishkramana Samskara
  7. Annaprashana
  8. Karnavedha Samskara
  9. Chudakarana Samskara
  10. Vidyarambha Samskara
  11. Upanayana Samskara
  12. Samavartana Samskara
  13. Vivaha Samskara
  14. Panchamahayagna Samskara
  15. Vanaprastha Samskara
  16. Antyeshti Samskara.
Om Krinvanto Vishyamaryam; May the whole world become Arya

Author: Ayan Chowdhury


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  1. Are scientific pursuits interfering with the dynamics of Rita
